Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Windows WMF 0-day exploit (updated)

A 0-day exploit against the Windows Graphics Rendering Engine has been posted on Bugtraq. For more information see:

What can you do to protect your network:

1. Go to the 'Body Content Types' of your HTTP-Proxy and add '%0x010009000003%*' as a pattern match with the 'Rule action' set to Deny, Alarm and Log.
2. Go to the 'URL Path' function of your HTTP-Proxy and add '*.wmf' as a pattern match with the 'Rule action' set to Deny, Alarm and Log. If you have not installed MS05-053 yet you should also consider adding '*.emf'.
3. Go to the 'URL Path' function of your HTTP-Proxy and add the following URL's


as a pattern match with the 'Rule action' set to Deny, Alarm and Log.


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